Digital Project Management Adalah
Digital Project Management Requirements
To qualify for this position as a Digital Project Manager, you should have the following skills and qualifications:
Digital Project Manager Skills
If you want to pursue a career in digital project management, there are several soft and hard skills that can help you establish your career as a Digital Project Manager.
Some of these skills include:
Practice Quiz: Test your knowledge: Learning more about project manager roles and responsibilities
Question 1 Fill in the blank: _ is how a project manager makes use of productivity tools and creates processes. The project manager may need to use certain tools and processes to do tasks like create a schedule and share information.
Answer Planning and organizing
Question 2 Fill in the blank: _ is how a project manager has their team complete activities within a set period of time.
Answer Managing tasks
Question 3 Fill in the blank: _ is how a project manager oversees the financial components of a project and mitigates project issues and risks as they come up.
Answer Budgeting and controlling costs
Question 4 Fill in the blank: A cross-functional project team is a team that has _.
Answer diverse skill sets and works toward a common goal
Question 1 Suppose that as a project manager, you provide detailed plans and frequent project updates to both the team and stakeholders. What project management value does this represent?
Answer Effective communication
Question 2 As a project manager, you direct the activities your team needs to accomplish within a set period of time. You also control the team’s workload to ensure the activities are getting done on time. Which project management responsibility does this represent?
Answer Managing tasks
Question 3 As a project manager, you choose the best project management methodology for your team and ensure they adhere to it throughout the project. What project management responsibility does this represent?
Answer Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.
Question 4 How can a project manager better communicate and clarify goals for a cross-functional team?
Answer Define key items and encourage team members to ask questions.
Question 5 You’re a project manager on a team that is improving a product. When inspecting the project, you discover a defect. What action can you take that will simultaneously communicate and escalate the newly-found problem?
Answer Have a meeting with stakeholders to make them aware of product problems.
Question 6 As a project manager, you learn that the stakeholders are changing the nature of the project and the team’s deliverables will change as a result. You aren’t sure how this will affect the team’s tasks. How will you handle this ambiguity and deliver the news to the team?
Answer Tell them you care about the challenges they are facing and are there to support them
Question 7 Suppose you are trying to figure out how a team member prefers to receive positive recognition. Which interpersonal skill can you use to make this determination?
Answer Understanding motivations
Question 8 As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to break down barriers to help your team succeed. Which of the following would a project manager do to break down barriers?
Answer Provide support for the team as they try new approaches to find solutions.
Question 9 Fill in the blank: In project management, a _ is a person or an organization that defines the project requirements. They also may set important guidelines, such as the budget and deadlines.
Question 10 As a project manager, how can you protect the team from changes to the project? Select all that apply.
Answer -Document initial expectations of the project., Let the stakeholders know how changes impact the budget and schedule., Clearly identify any project changes.
Question 11 To be an effective project manager, what important actions/steps should you take?
Answer Ensure team members understand the team’s objectives and their individual tasks
Final Thoughts: Digital Project Manager Role
Digital Project Management is a lucrative role that has a lot of competition. Therefore, to stay ahead of other job seekers, it's important that you continue expanding your knowledge base. That will make you the most valuable candidate for every company.
And one of the best ways to do that is by enrolling for a Master's Degree and getting certifications. For instance, you can enroll for a Master in Project Management from EAE Business School Madrid. You will acquire optimal training that will equip you to become a marketing executive who will offer great value to any company.
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Strong Organizational Skills
Most digital projects tend to be complex. Therefore, as a Digital Project Manager, you must be very organized to keep everything running smoothly. That means you must be skilled at planning, prioritizing tasks, and setting up efficient workflows. Also, you must know how to use project management tools to allocate resources, manage deadlines, and track progress.
Practice Quiz: Test your knowledge: Understanding the project life cycle
Question 1 What are some potential consequences of rushing through the initiation phase of a project? Select all that apply.
Answer Impact to the timeline, Impact to quality, Impact to the budget
Question 2 Imagine that a project manager has just begun working on a project for a trucking logistics company. The customer wants to see a proposal as soon as possible, but it is taking the project manager longer than expected because he needs more input from stakeholders and the project team. What should the project manager do to turn the project into a success?
Answer Ask the customer for more time to consult with stakeholders and the project team to deliver an accurate cost and timeline proposal.
Question 3 What are the main phases of the project life cycle? Select all that apply.
Answer Initiate the project, Make a plan, Execute and complete tasks, Close the project
Question 4 What are some of the benefits of closing a project? Select all that apply.
Answer Share the team’s accomplishments with people outside the team, Evaluate what worked and what didn’t work, Celebrate the team’s success
Question 1 Which of the following are phases of the project life cycle? Select all that apply.
Answer Execute and complete tasks, Initiate the project, Close the project
Question 2 Why is it important to initiate a project (phase one) before making a plan (phase two)?
Answer Because understanding scope, cost, and timeline is crucial to creating a budget, setting a schedule, and determining roles and responsibilities
Question 3 What is the term for a set of guiding principles and processes for owning a project through its life cycle?
Answer Project management methodology
Question 4 Which project management methodology is organized in sequential phases (including initiating, planning, executing, and closing)?
Answer Waterfall methodology
Question 5 What is the main advantage of the Agile approach over the Waterfall methodology?
Answer Agile takes a flexible approach, letting teams make adjustments as they go.
Question 6 Which project management approach includes the following phases: define, measure, analyze, improve, control.
Answer Lean Six Sigma methodology
Question 7 Fill in the blank: Before moving into the planning phase, a project manager needs to receive _ from the decision maker(s).
Answer project approval
Question 8 Which of the following are project manager responsibilities during the closing phase? Select all that apply.
Answer Ensure all tasks are complete, Reflect on lessons learned, Confirm acceptance of the project outcome
Question 9 In which project plan phase does the project manager celebrate successes and release the team to support other projects within the company?
Answer Close the project
Question 10 Which project management approach is an Agile framework that delivers products through an iterative process?
What Methodology Do Digital Project Managers Follow?
Digital Project Managers use different methodologies to complete projects. These methodologies fall into four categories: Waterfall, Agile, Kanban, and Scrum.
Waterfall is a more conventional, step-by-step approach, ideal for projects with clear phases. It is much like constructing a building. You must follow a strict plan from start to end.
The agile approach is a more evolved methodology that prioritizes flexibility and collaboration. The team is expected to respond swiftly and efficiently to changes. Also, clients and stakeholders can be involved at different stages to ensure their expectations are being met.
This process is a form of Agile methodology where the team uses cards to visualize the various phases of a project. It is one of the most effective ways for teams to identify any potential problems in the project and visualize solutions.
This is another form of Agile methodology that divides the project into smaller milestones that teams can complete quickly. This methodology works well when a team is working on a complex project since it helps them prioritize important tasks.
As a project manager, you'll choose the methodology based on what best aligns with your organization, team, and project. But while at it, remember that no two projects are exactly the same, so adaptability is key.
Practice Quiz: Test your knowledge: Understanding organizational structure
Question 1 Which of the following scenarios best describes a Classic structure?
Answer Imagine you are managing an important project at a company that requires all orders to go through its shipping department. However, your project is on a tight schedule, and the shipping department has a backlog of orders. You decide to meet with your direct manager to ask for approval to place the order through a third-party vendor. Ultimately, your direct manager has to meet with a vice president to get final approval.
Question 2 Why is it important for a project manager in a Matrix organization to clearly define roles and responsibilities? Select all that apply.
Answer Because project managers can have the same level of authority as functional managers, Because employees may report to more than one person and have multiple responsibilities across teams
Question 3 What are some ways that organizational structure can impact the role of a project manager? Select all that apply.
Answer Their level of authority, Their access to resources, Their approach to getting approvals
Question 4 What are some key functions of a Project Management Office (PMO)? Select all that apply.
Answer Strategic planning and governance, Implementing project management best practices, Creating project documentation, archives, and tools
Question 1 Define organizational structure.
Answer How a company is arranged, how job tasks are divided and coordinated, and how members of the organization relate to one another
Question 2 Which answer best describes a Classic organizational structure?
Answer It refers to the traditional, top-down reporting structure with a clear chain of command.
Question 3 How does a company’s organizational structure impact project management?
Answer It affects the project manager’s authority and the availability of resources.
Question 4 Define organizational culture.
Answer A company’s shared values, mission, and history
Question 5 Why should project managers learn about organizational culture? Select all that apply.Answer So they can manage change effectively, So they can demonstrate how a project supports the company’s mission and values, So they can communicate more effectively with teams
Question 6 Which of the following statements is true of the change management process? Select all that apply.
Answer It includes the successful delivery and adoption of a completed project.,It requires effective communication from the project manager.
Question 7 What tools can a project manager incorporate to assist in project adoption? Select all that apply.
Answer Flowcharts to illustrate the project’s development process, Culture mapping to illustrate how the company’s values, norms, and employees behavior may be affected by the project, Feedback mechanisms, such as surveys, to capture stakeholder input
Question 8 As someone interviewing for a project management role, you ask questions about sick days and vacation, working from home, and if the company supports employees sharing their identity in the workplace. Which part of a company’s culture do these questions help you learn more about?
Question 9 As a project manager, you want to integrate change management into your project. To prepare for the adoption of your recommended changes and to gather information, you incorporate surveys, flowcharts, and culture mapping. These actions represent which change management best practice?
Question 10 Fill in the blank: Project governance covers _.
Answer decisions such as policies, regulations, functions, processes, and procedures
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SEEK acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which it operates its online employment marketplace. The gum leaf represents a symbol of welcome and it acknowledges the diverse countries, environments and communities.Artwork by Bitja, Dixon Patten Jnr, Gunnai, Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta and Dhudhuroa, Bayila Creative.
With the growing collaborative nature of digital projects, it has become more crucial for organizations to designate someone reliable to manage the project and steer the team to achieve the desired outcomes.
After all, companies need an expert who can complete, delegate, and oversee various tasks and teams involved in creating and producing a digital project. That shows you just how crucial Digital Project Managers are in every company.
If you’ve been considering a career path in Digital Project Management or you are simply interested in knowing what kind of work is developed within this role, this article is in your best interest! We’ll discuss the roles and responsibilities of a Digital Project Manager and the skills you need to become one.
Practice Quiz: Test your knowledge: Learning about careers in project management
Question 1. When you review a job listing, which section offers the most insight when deciding if the role is well-suited for you?
Answer. Job description
Question 2. Which of the following might be part of a job description for an entry-level project manager role?
Answer. Our North Coast branch needs a new Junior Project Manager who can channel drive and enthusiasm. You’ll be front and center, hands-on, and contributing your creative energy to high-impact projects.
Question 3. Which of the following best exemplifies the progression of a project management career?
Answer. Project manager to program manager to portfolio manager
Question 4. What terms can be helpful to include in your search for project management roles? Select all that apply
Answer. Common project management-related buzzwords like “process improvement” and “risk management”, Essential project management skills like coordination, organization, and leadership, Skills you’ve acquired in your current or previous position
Question 1 Fill in the blank: In addition to a job title, many companies list project management as a desired _.
Question 2 Which of the following best describes why there is increasing demand for project management roles in today’s job market?
Answer Project management roles are designed to adapt to changes and handle new processes as they come up.
Question 3 Fill in the blank: A/An _ allows you to work for a company on a project-by-project basis but not as a full-time employee.
Question 4 Throughout a project, project managers have to keep project expenses within an expected range. What is this project management responsibility called?
Answer Budgeting and controlling costs
Question 5 Which of the following is a way to define a project? Select all that apply.
Answer A series of tasks that need to be completed to reach a desired outcome, A unique, temporary pursuit that has a defined beginning and end
Question 6 Project managers need to meet each project’s requirements and achieve the desired outcome. To do this, should project managers use the same tools, techniques, and methodologies every day on their projects?
Answer No. Project managers should use varying tools, techniques, and methodologies throughout a project—this is key to supporting and adapting to a project team.
Question 7 Which of the following responsibilities involves overseeing activities that team members do on a daily or weekly basis?
Answer Managing tasks
Question 8 Fill in the blank: Typically, projects have a(n) _ beginning and end.
Question 9 Which of the following tasks or roles could one use to demonstrate project management experience during a job interview? Select all that apply.
Answer Managing a retail store’s inventory changes, Planning a surprise party, Organizing a big move
Question 10 What required skills are typically listed in project management job postings? Select all that apply.
Answer Organizational management, Communication skills, Budget preparation and monitoring
Digital Project Manager Job Description
A Digital Project Manager is responsible for the day-to-day management and smooth operation of various projects within a company. These are mostly projects that use web and deliver digital products.
For instance, managing new websites, mobile applications, videos, marketing campaigns, and online tools. The project manager must complete a digital project within a specific timeline and budget while maximizing the ROI (Return On Investment).